That is a little harsh but I remember hearing a few months ago that the Sox were moving from WEEI to WRKO and not giving it too much thought. Now that the season is upon us and I’ve realized, to my horror, that I am going to have to endure endless promos for Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage’s radio shows that run on WRKO, not to mention the loathsome Howie Carr. WEEI politics were always annoying but generally contained to the fascist rantings of Grand Duke Wizard Jerry Callahan which were easy enough to avoid. But now the Red Sox have lent their brand name to a radio station that airs Michael Savage (who has suggested
killing 100 million Muslims) and Limbaugh (
mimics people with Parkinson’s among many other unpardonable offenses) simply because that station’s parent company (Entercom Communication) offered the most money. What is most upsetting about this is that the politics of the ownership and management is entirely at odds with WRKO’s. I guess the only remedy to this is to listen to the Sox Spanish radio broadcast on WROL.
While my consecutive posts commented on streak continues in Avoiding Work (AW), I am unable to continue my streak of disagreeing with all your premises. The Sox do support fascism.
And you could switch to Spanish speaking radio for Sox coverage, but then you would be barraged with pro-fire-murdering propaganda.
And Happy Opening Day. 30 minutes until first pitch ...
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